Oriental Style

Dedicated to Oriental Style

The website “Oriental Style” is dedicated to showcasing ancient Chinese civilization, emphasizing the essence and soul of ancient Chinese people. By reading many essays on the website, you can understand the values of ancient Oriental people. And you will find that the fundamental humanistic principles of the Orient and the Occident harmonize without conflict.

Here, you can explore the free-thinking and people-centered ethos of the Huaxia states, read the stories of loyal individuals, be moved by the faithful love of passionate youth, and understand how the Zhou Kingdom and Han Dynasty shaped the character of the Chinese people. And you will understand a profound saying from people who lived 2500 years ago: “Harmony instead of sameness.”

Origin of the Chinese nation

Around 4,300 years ago, many tribes inhabited the areas along the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River, known as the Central Plains. These tribes eventually developed into city-states. Many stories were lost because these tribes had no writing system. The earliest evidence of the Chinese writing system was discovered in the ruins of the Shang Dynasty, dating back to the thirteenth century BC. The Zhou Kingdom was founded in the eleventh century BC. This great dynasty established a comprehensive feudal system and shaped the nation’s cultural identity.

According to the memories of those who lived during the Zhou Dynasty, the Xia Dynasty preceded the Shang Dynasty. The Xia Dynasty was founded by Qi, the son of Yu. In the Chinese myth of a great flood, Yu led the people in regulating the rivers, and through their efforts, the flood eventually receded.

During the Zhou Dynasty, the royal family and most feudal states called themselves Hua, meaning flowers and beauty, and Xia, meaning greatness. Thus, the nation became known as Huaxia. The people were proud of their nation and referred to their states as “the central states.”

The Han Dynasty, established in 206 BC, stabilized central authority and adopted transformed Confucianism as its ruling ideology. During the later period of the dynasty, Buddhism was brought in, and Taoism also emerged. The dynasty was so influential that other peoples began referring to the Huaxia as Han. This is why we are known as Han Chinese today.

Fascinating History and Culture of China

Max Weber said, “In the traits relevant for us, the further back one goes in history the more similar the Chinese and Chinese culture appear to what is found in the Occident. The old popular beliefs, the old anchorets, the oldest songs of the Shih Ching, the old warrior kings, the antagonisms of the philosophical schools, feudalism, the beginnings of capitalist developments in the Period of the Warring States – all of which are considered characteristic – are more closely related to occidental phenomena than are the traits of Confucian China.” Ancient Han people also admired the Romans, saying, “They are high in stature, elegant in manners, and honest in morality, so they are similar to us Chinese.” Thus, it can be seen that universal values apply not only to the Occident but also to the Orient.

On this website, ancient Chinese history is divided into three stages. The age of myths spans from remote antiquity to the Shang Dynasty, the age of feudal states covers the Zhou Dynasty, and the age of empires extends from the Qin Dynasty to the Ming Dynasty. Here, you can witness the vivid and magnificent historical scenes of ancient China and learn about the traditional clothing, architectural styles, and the proprieties and customs of the Han Chinese people.

What our ancestors did in life will echo in eternity. Ancient Chinese people left a resplendent cultural heritage for human civilization. When we read impressive stories of men and women from ancient books, or visit historic sites and historical museums, we can feel the eternal style of our ancestors.

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